Automate Scanned PDF Remediation using PREP, AI-Based PDF Remediation Platform

AI based Remediation Platform
Document remediation for accessibility is more efficient when working with digitally generated documents. However, this is not always the available format which makes working with printed and scanned documents significantly complex, and most often a cumbersome process for accessibility professionals, and educational institutions dealing with a high volume of scanned documents.

PREP, a revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) -driven PDF Remediation Platform can now easily and efficiently remediate complex scanned PDF documents. As a cloud-based platform, PREP makes document remediation simple and intuitive through the use of cutting-edge AI enabling easy collaboration and provides a built-in accessibility checker to ensure compliance against Section 508, WCAG 2.0, PDF U/A, & ADA.

What are Scanned PDFs?

Scanned PDFs are created when a printed document is scanned and digitized into an electronic format, producing a graphical representation of the document. These PDF files present a significant accessibility barrier for users of assistive technologies, as the page content appears as an inaccessible graphic and does not represent the text or numerical characters as intended. Assistive technologies such as screen readers cannot parse or read the document thereby limiting access to people with disabilities.

How Does PREP Handle Scanned PDFs?

As scanned PDFs are inherently inaccessible, processing the document through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technique ensures that the content of the PDF is converted into an accessible format. This enables PDF remediation tools, such as PREP, to tag and produce a logical reading order which adheres to the industry set accessibility guidelines.

Previously users had to subscribe to a separate OCR software, or rely on Adobe’s in-built OCR, making it a tedious process to remediate scanned PDFs. Using advanced algorithms PREP’s intuitive workflow performs OCR on the scanned PDF in a matter of a few seconds, analyzes the document, and automatically assigns tag tree structure, establishing a logical reading order, ready to be reviewed and edited as deemed by the user.

PREP is designed to specifically address complex PDF remediation tasks through a highly intelligent user interface (UI) and automate tagging of complex elements such as tables, lists, nested tables, and nested lists, allowing users to remediate a high volume of documents in a short span of time.

Accessibility professionals, individuals, organizations, and educational institutions can significantly reduce time and costs related to remediating scanned PDFs. Through three simple steps, PREP makes the process of PDF remediation intuitive, cost-effective, and scalable. In addition, the in-built PDF accessibility checker inspects and highlights any areas for repair on the PDF file before export.

To request for a free trial of PREP, or to learn about our affordable and scalable PDF accessibility services, write to us at or visit

Transform with Affordable Document Remediation

Experience top-tier PDF remediation powered by AI, delivering unmatched quality, precision, and scalability, all at a fraction of traditional time and cost.


Debangku Sarma

Digital Marketing Associate
Continual Engine

Vijayshree Vethantham

Senior Vice-President, Growth & Strategy
Continual Engine US LLC

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