7 Best Tips on How to Make Engaging Videos

video making tips
Video content helps elevate any marketing strategy and captivate your audience. But let’s face it, making engaging videos can be challenging. In this blog, you will be provided with seven best tips on how to create video content that is engaging and accessible.

Tips to Create an Engaging Video

Making engaging videos as a part of your marketing campaign is extremely important for increasing engagement, enhancing brand visibility, and improving conversion rates. Here are some crucial video-making tips to help you get started:

1. Define Your Target Audience

The first tip for making a good video is to begin by understanding who your target audience is. This means that you need to be clear about who your customers are and whom you want to reach through your videos. When you define your target audience, you can understand what they truly want and what their interests are, towards which you can cater your content.
Do your research. Make detailed notes on your target audience, like their gender, age, employment status, marital status, and other interests. Having this information makes it easy for you to create engaging content that will interest your customers.

2. Make a Plan

Creating high-quality video content hinges on thorough planning and preparation. Investing time in carefully shaping the concept, message, and structure of your video is crucial for setting the stage for a successful production. Here’s how you can approach the planning phase effectively:
  • Draft a script or outline: Begin by mapping out the key points and structure of your video. If a scripted format suits your content, write a detailed script that covers dialogues, narration, and any on-screen actions.
  • Highlight the main points: Identify the core message you want to convey. What are the essential points you need to communicate to your audience? Clearly defining your objectives will help you keep your content focused and aligned with your marketing goals.
  • Assemble the necessary resources: Consider what resources or equipment you’ll need to bring your video idea to life. This might include camera gear, props, actors or presenters, shooting locations, or any other elements critical for a smooth production.

3. Tap Into Emotions

When viewers feel an emotional connection to a video, they become more invested and eager to see how it resolves or concludes.
Incorporating emotive language in your video script is one way to create content that resonates. However, it’s equally important to consider the emotional responses your audience may have to other elements, such as the soundtrack, color scheme, actors, setting, and overall style of your video.
The choice of actors can evoke different emotions:
  • A CEO narrating a brand story in an explainer video can instill a sense of confidence.
  • An employee sharing a personal work experience can build trust.
  • A customer in a testimonial can convey authenticity.
By tapping into fundamental emotions like humor, sadness, excitement, fear, anger, happiness, or playfulness, you can draw viewers in and foster a connection with them.

4. Include Meaningful Interactions

To make your video more engaging and ensure viewers stay invested, incorporate interactive elements like 360-degree views, clickable buttons, links, quizzes, and checklists. These features encourage active participation, helping viewers feel more connected and motivated to complete the video and apply what they’ve learned.
For an even more immersive experience, consider adding a layer of gamification. Scenario-based videos that allow viewers to influence the storyline based on their choices can make the content feel more personalized and engaging.

5. Use Striking Visuals

Humans love graphics. The human brain can identify and process entire images within 13 milliseconds. Hence, as humans, we are all naturally more attracted to visuals than text.

Use striking visuals when it comes to creating videos. To captivate your audience, ensure that every image you incorporate serves a clear purpose. Think about how visuals can amplify the impact of your script. Integrate elements like animations, motion graphics, dynamic transitions, and kinetic typography to add depth. Don’t forget to experiment with colors, contrasts, and color grading to evoke the right mood or emotional response.

6. Respond to Your Audience

Take the time to read through the comments on your videos and interact with your audience. Responding to their questions and showing genuine interest makes them feel valued, which increases the likelihood they’ll pay attention to your future content. Additionally, addressing their questions offers valuable insight into what kind of content resonates with them. Dedicating just 30 minutes to this task can significantly boost engagement on your upcoming videos.

7. Make Content Accessible

Moreover, making your video content more accessible by adding closed captions and audio descriptions can help you reach a wider audience and make them engage with your videos. It broadens your content’s reach by making it more inclusive and engaging for a diverse audience.

Closed captions are particularly vital for individuals who are hard of hearing, enabling them to fully understand and enjoy your content. Similarly, audio descriptions that narrate visual elements cater to those who are visually impaired. By addressing the needs of these groups, you not only comply with accessibility standards but also foster a more inclusive environment, showing a commitment to making your content available to everyone.

How Does Continual Engine Help Make Your Videos Accessible?

Continual Engine’s platform is designed to produce transcripts, captions, and audio descriptions with precision automatically. Each video is carefully examined frame by frame using InvictaTM, the world’s leading generative AI for alt text creation, ensuring that the extended audio descriptions are both high-quality and meaningful. Additionally, while the closed captions are initially auto-generated, they are rigorously reviewed by our subject matter experts to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and consistency.


It’s extremely essential to create not only high-quality but also engaging videos to make your marketing campaigns a true success. We hope these seven video-making tips help you make your videos more interesting!

Revolutionize Your Video Content with Seamless Accessibility

Ensure your videos are accessible to all with our fast, accurate, and affordable end-to-end accessibility solutions.


Debangku Sarma

Digital Marketing Associate
Continual Engine

Vijayshree Vethantham

Senior Vice-President, Growth & Strategy
Continual Engine US LLC

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