November Quarterly Newsletter

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Greater Adoption Of Digital Accessibility Practices By Businesses, Paving The Way For An Inclusive Society

At a time when business agility continues to be tested, the accessibility solutions we adopt take center stage. In 2021, organizations are being evaluated by their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Digital accessibility is fast emerging as a critical technology trend.
Gartner Top Strategic Predictions for 2020 and Beyond states that by 2023, the number of people with disabilities who will be employed due to technology advancements will triple. Firms will have to make digital platforms accessible to their workforce. Only 30% of the current labor force in the US is made up of persons with disabilities. This implies a huge untapped diverse talent pool that will add a new lens to product development.
Companies are using inclusive design to create accessible user interfaces. Google has a more inclusive Chrome OS with features like live captioning, mouse panning, image descriptions on Android, Dark mode and the Read It feature. Facebook has improved their platform, including keyboard shortcuts, navigation assistance, and closed captioning on videos.
As digital accessibility becomes a business imperative, check out why enterprises need to conform to these practices.
  • Legal Implications:
  • Social Responsibility:
  • Business Masterstroke:
  • Accessibility And Inclusiveness:

The Continual Engine Team

II. Featured News

1. Opinion: It’s Time To Include Disability In All Corporate Diversity Requirements

An Accenture report, Getting to Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage, found that companies that champion disability initiatives performed better than their peers. On average, over a four-year period, these companies reported 28 percent higher revenue, two times the net income, and 30 percent higher economic profit margin. Total shareholder returns were higher, too. Plus, a more diverse labor force that better reflects the makeup of today’s society appeals to younger generations of workers. Continue Reading…

2. Lesson Of The Day: ‘A Future For People With Disabilities In Outer Space Takes Flight’

Recently, 12 passengers with disabilities traveled aboard a parabolic flight in an experiment testing how people with disabilities would fare in a zero-gravity environment.

In this lesson, you will learn about their experience and the efforts being made to ensure that the future of spaceflight is more inclusive. Then, you will think about accessibility and universal design in your community. Continue Reading…

3. 5 Ways To Improve Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace Through Recruitment

A diverse and inclusive workforce should be a primary focus for organizations because companies with higher rates of diversity across gender, race, socioeconomic status, geography, and age have proven to be far more innovative and financially successful than those with homogenous employee demographics. The benefits of a diverse workforce far outweigh the challenges, as it creates a dynamic environment composed of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, experiences and skillsets who can bring unique and creative perspectives to the workplace. Continue Reading…

4. Students Can Learn With Their Mouths As Well As With Their Eyes And Hands

A recent paper from Baylor University, led by Katelyn Baumer and Bryan Shaw assessed whether people could learn to recognize 3-D models, like those often used to teach science, with their mouths instead of with their eyes. A 2021 paper in Nature found that when primates showed the same brain circuit activation when grasping objects with their hands and when moving an object with their tongue. This indicates that there may be underlying similarities of physical manipulations of the hand and the mouth, but much remains unknown. Continue Reading…

III. Technology Update

UX = Accessibility & Accessibility = UX

People are more complicated than the current accessibility model admits. By using the rigid categorisation and labelling that our society gives users, we lose a great deal of information about people’s expectations, approaches, skills, habits or preferences when it comes to engaging with a product or service. Guidelines are useful but not thinking beyond them to the people they were written about can be very limiting. Continue Reading…

IV. Education News

1. Unilever’s Chief Learning Officer On The Key To Addressing The Skills Gap

Tim Munden, Chief Learning Officer, Unilever, talks to People Matters about weaving learning and well-being in the flow of work, and the essentials to building a high-performing leadership and workforce that thrive through uncertainty. The pandemic forced all learning and development activities to go online, and we had to find ways of using online learning to substitute for a lack of face-to-face contact. For skill building, it was easier because we were already used to a lot of online or blended learning. Continue Reading…

2. How To Implement A Successful Learning & Development Strategy In Your Organization


Debangku Sarma

Digital Marketing Associate
Continual Engine

Vijayshree Vethantham

Senior Vice-President, Growth & Strategy
Continual Engine US LLC

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